We are FCC - Nº18

persons of interest is another impor- tant task. In other processes, we use free sof- tware to develop our own tools. For example, some of the tools we use to monitor activities in social networks. The analysis methodologies are very diverse. Many of them are included in an ISO for risk analysis and as- sessment, a real workhorse for com- panies and our team. To these we should add critical thinking techni- ques, such as convergent, divergent or lateral thinking. How has the new technological en- vironment influenced your work? It is a social and global phenome- non. However, despite technolo- gical advances, now, and increa- singly, we are forced to manage a greater volume of data and in- formation. It has become a volu- me-time problem, so that in many occasions the improvement of the quality of the processes consists of knowing which tools to use at any given moment and how not to con- tribute to be part of the problem. This is greatly helped by comparing ourselves with other organizations and using the best practices of our sector of activity. What results do you expect and how do you monitor them? We are at the beginning of our acti- vities. This year we aim to start the Intelligence Plan and get on board the digital transformation train in the FCC Group. Without either of these two elements it is unthinkable to develop a business intelligence unit. So far we have focused on de- veloping very specific products, for a small internal clientele and with a tight consumption of resources, but with a significant production of re - ports. So far, the cost-benefit ratio is favorable and the acceptance of our This requires an informative effort on our part that puts us on the map of the organization and breaks down barriers and stereotypes. Therefo- re, many thanks to the FCC Group’s Corporate Communications Depart- ment for making us part of Somos FCC. products and services is very posi- tive. We are confident that this will continue to be the case. What challenges are you facing after the healthcare crisis and where do you want to go with your work in the company? Currently, without a transversal unit in the organization, with qualified people, digitally transformed and with sufficient means for the mana - gement of big data and Business Intelligence, involved in all phases of the intelligence cycle, there is no true intelligence, nor a digital company. Hence, our challenge is, as a support unit, to achieve this transversality and presence in the organization. P E O P L E 25 P E O P L E