We are FCC - Nº18

We also support the research de- partments in those national and international tenders that, due to their amount or geographic loca- tion, require a risk assessment and an evaluation of security costs. The idea is to provide support from start to finish in the projects awarded to us, since knowledge from the outset allows us to provide better security and optimize these costs. The risk assessment is not limited to secu- rity risks, but also considers politi- cal, operational, natural, health and What does it bring to the com- pany and why is it necessary within the company? How impor- tant is the flow of internal com - munication and coordination be- tween team members? Nowadays, data management and analysis are essential in all activities. It is a trend and we are a result of that trend. Our value will increase as needs arise for business areas. We must be able to solve intelligence needs to make decisions that mitiga- te risks or address opportunities. Effective communication is funda - mental in intelligence processes. Internally, we try to be permanently informed of what each and every one known, easy or accessible answer. And what are the “critical intelligence needs”? Well, those that help, based on knowledge, to control or mitigate the risks contemplated in the FCC Group’s risk map. That is where our true differential value lies. In addition to increasing the digital and intelligence culture, we will pro- vide support with specific techniques and methodologies. What kind of data and tools do you collect and use in your analysis? They are multiple and very diverse. Fundamentally, those necessary to provide an answer to a specific need. To support compliance processes, we use artificial intelligence engines that focus their searches on negative information from companies and in- dividuals, in open sources of public access or under subscription, as well as in sanction databases of national and international organizations. All of this is done to contrast the answers of the questionnaires received or to alert about information gaps that were not included in those question- naires. The current state of the art allows this work to be dynamic, so setting up alerts on companies or cybersecurity risks. This is possible thanks to a permanent monitoring of what is happening in those coun- tries where FCC is present or has interests. We are accompanied in this work by first-rate international suppliers who provide us with basic intelli- gence and global alerts on the abo- ve-mentioned risk categories; from this we develop our products, tailo- red to the specific sectors and loca - tions in which we operate. Ongoing monitoring of open sources and social networks complements this knowledge. Finally, we participate in or conduct through third parties re- search required to acquire knowled- ge or highlight important situations for the business. of us is doing. It is vital for intelligen- ce to flow and lack knowledge gaps. Externally, we try to disseminate as much as possible, even if we have not been asked to do so. This is not easy. Intelligence is traditionally ba- sed on the need-to-know principle, but also on the need-to-share prin- ciple. How do you contribute to the strategic plans to generate ad- vantages that bring value to the different areas and departments? Our activities must be contemplated in the intelligence plan of the com- pany, at a strategic level, and must be oriented to give answers to the critical intelligence needs of mana- gement and, more specifically, to “priority information needs”. That is to say, those that do not have a P E O P L E 24 P E O P L E