We are FCC - Nº18

telligence Team to respond to the intelligence needs of our different internal clients on a daily basis. What is your daily routine and what kind of activities do you have to perform in the service of the company? The department is currently focu- sed on supporting several internal processes. On the one hand, to the compliance officers of the FCC Group’s business areas, for whom the work is very focused on checking the information they receive from third parties, both in questionnaires and on their digital reputation and their inclusion or not in sanction lists. security and information techno- logy. This basic training has been complemented with specific tech - niques for intelligence acquisition, processing and analysis. Both in cy- berspace, as well as in the internal digital data itself, of which there is so much talk during this health cri- sis, essential to improve the adap- tability and efficiency of companies in the VUCA environments (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) that we are living. Languages play an important role in the team. We work at a professional level in several languages. Special mention should be made of the support provided to the team by the interns we usually count on to try What are the main functions of the Business Intelligence team? The functions to be developed are diverse. From the search and classi- fication of information, its treatment and analysis, to, finally, the disse - mination of a product that satisfies the intelligence needs of those who requested support. In our jargon we speak of the intelligence cycle, an iterative cycle that summarizes our main functions. Who makes up the team and why are they important to the com- pany’s day-to-day operations? The team is currently made up of multidisciplinary professionals tra- ined in law, criminology, labor re- lations, business administration, economics, international relations, P E O P L E 23 P E O P L E