We are FCC - Nº18

With the mission of providing ela- borated, useful and timely informa- tion that contributes to improve de- cision making for the achievement of business objectives, FCC has its own Intelligence Department, which in turn is part of the Corpo- rate Security and General Services Department, under the coordina- tion of Antonio Escudero. This mis- sion is accomplished through the use of analysis techniques and me- thodologies based on the collection and transformation of internal and external data. Its main functions include expan- ding existing knowledge and res- ponding to the FCC Group’s in- From left to right, the FCC Group’s Business Intelligence team is made up of Carlota Saguar, Joaquín González, Raúl Gatón, Marina Gisbert, María José Vaquero and David García. Business Int FCC Group’s formation and intelligence needs, which requires significant 360º coordination with the different busi - ness areas and their departments, as well as a high level of knowledge of processes and strategies. The volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of today’s business environments require companies to be increasingly competitive and adaptable to changes in their strategies. Knowledge can help anticipate actions andmaintain a competitive edge in our businesses and activities. P E O P L E 22 P E O P L E