We are FCC - Nº18

of wetlands, one of the richest and most productive ecosystems on the planet for its great biological diversity; reeds, reeds and other plantations that grow autonomous- ly on the edge of the lagoons and serve as roosts for thousands of birds. Naumanni, a group in defense of nature Naumanni was born during the seventies from the vocation of a group of young people to defend nature. Passionate about nature and concerned about its conser- vation, they were the seed of what today is an important part of the Nature Conservation movement. Since 1981, and to date, 184 spe - cies of vertebrates have been iden- tified in the waters and reed beds of El Porcal, of which 120 breed or nest normally, 95 spend the winter and the rest are sporadic encoun- ters, according to studies carried out by the Naumanni Naturalist As- sociation and SEO/Birdlife. Visit to El Porcal by the Director of the Southeast Regional Park of the Community of Madrid The director of the Southeast Regional Park of the Community of Madrid, Carlos Angel Abad, visited El Porcal with his team of envi- ronmental technicians. During the visit, colleagues specializing in mining operations, cor- porate social responsibility and biodiversity accompanied the tech- nicians from the Community of Madrid, showing them the results obtained over the years. cement B U S I N E S S 19 B U S I N E S S