We are FCC - Nº18

The urbanization, the backbone of the project, occupies 33,500 squa- re meters, distributed between vehicle and pedestrian roads, as well as garden areas and servi- ces. The garden allows workers to enjoy a well-kept nature and ample recreational spaces, and, thanks to the vegetation, soften the high temperatures in summer and the low ones in winter. Developed with BIM technology The materials used in the facilities involve maximum energy use, in addition to optimizing their main- tenance, thus achieving maximum integration of the systems in the building, campus and factory. It has been achieved that each of the elements of the building can be monitored and controlled, ob- taining all the information related to consumption and states that allow obtaining not only the maxi- mum energy performance but also reaching the adequate levels of comfort for the workers already li- ving up to Airbus safety standards. The project has been fully deve- loped in BIM (Building Information Modeling), sharing information in real time between each and every one of the agents involved in the project. This project is one more example of how collaborative work through the BIM methodology. During the construction of the Air- bus corporate headquarters, more than 130,000 cubic meters of ear- th have been excavated; more than 25,000 cubic meters of fill; More than 36,000 cubic meters of concrete and 3,450,000 kilograms of corrugated steel have been used. All of this is a clear exam- ple of the magnitude of the pro- ject, constituting one of the main corporate non-residential building infrastructures executed in Spain in recent years. The project has been fully developed in BIM (Building Information Modeling) The urbanization, the backbone of the project, occupies 33,500 square meters construction B U S I N E S S 17 B U S I N E S S