We are FCC - Nº18
At the beginning of 2020, Aqualia acquired from the Saudi Arabian group Haji Abdallah Alireza 51% of the company HAAISCO (Haji Abdullah Alireza Integrated Services Ltd) which is in charge of the operation and maintenance of se- veral desalination plants in Arabia. These include the desa- lination plant at King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jed- dah, a concession of the Qatarat Company, of which Aqualia has also acquired a 51% share in the same operation. This initiated an alliance that, in the short term, is already produ- cing relevant successes such as this contract in Jizan. HAAISCO also operates and maintains two other desalina- tion plants in Saudi Arabia: the seawater reverse osmosis desalination plant at KAUST University in Thuwal, which produces 52,250 m3 per day. It also operates and maintains the MED desalination plant (multi-effect distillation) in Rabi - gh, for Aramco-Sumitomo petrochemicals complex, with a daily production of 10,000 m 3 . Recent acquisition of HAAISCO Jizan Mar Rojo Golfo Pérsico Jizan City for Primary and Downstream Industries Yanbu Jubail Egipto EAU Omán Irán Irak Jordania Riad Yemen Kuwait Sudán Eritrea Saudi Arabia The city of Jizan, for primary and downstream industries, is located in the southwestern corner of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This industrial enclave stretches along more than 11 kilometers of coastline, has a total area of more than 100 square kilometers and is located next to Saudi Ara- bia’s third largest port on the Red Sea. The core of Jizan, dedicated to the secondary sector, maintains a strategic lo- cation due to its proximity to international maritime routes, hosts numerous international processing companies and constitutes a transcendental enclave for the economic de- velopment of the country. The award brings a three-year contract to the company and increases its already significant presence in the region water B U S I N E S S 15 B U S I N E S S