We are FCC - Nº18
Aqualia will manage the water supply to one of the main industrial complexes in Saudi Arabia Aerial photo of Jizan industrial complex (Saudi Arabia). Aqualia, through its Saudi Ara- bian subsidiary HAAISCO (Haji Abdullah Alireza & Co. Integra- ted Services Ltd), has just been selected to operate and main- tain the desalination plant and the drinking water distribution system in the Jizan industrial area (Jizan City for Primary and Downstream Industries - JCP- DI), in the southwest of Arabia. Marafiq, the company responsi- ble for the supply of water and electricity in the Saudi Industrial Areas of Jubail and Yanbu , who- se major shareholders are the Saudi State and Saudi Aramco, has awarded the management of the installations for a period of 3 years through a tendering process and according to strictly technical-economic criteria. . 60,000 m 3 of desalinated wáter per day The plant has the capacity to pro- duce 60,000 m 3 of desalinated wa- ter per day, both for drinking and service water, which will be su- pplied to the industries installed in the industrial hub. Its treatment processes include a dissolved air flotation system, seawater ultrafiltration, reverse os - mosis modules and post-treatment to adapt the water to the use re- quirements. In addition, it has all the auxiliary equipment such as a dosage of reagents, an in situ so- dium hypochlorite production sys- tem, the corresponding pumping systems and a supply network to the entire industrial park. Aqualia in Middle East The total value of the contracts cu- rrently managed by Aqualia in the Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and Oman) exceeds 600 million euros. Most of them are concessional and respond to models of public-private-partner- ships. This way, Aqualia serves more than six million inhabitants in the region. These contracts include the ope- ration and maintenance of the sanitation network in the eastern area of Abu Dhabi (city of Al Ain), the operation and maintenance of the sanitation system of Abu Dhabi capital and the adjacent is- lands of Al Reem, Al Maryah and Al Saadiyat, the management of the hydraulic infrastructures of the Omani port of Sohar or the mana- gement of the Al Dhakhira sanita- tion system in Qatar. In the MENA Area, Aqualia achie- ved a turnover of 163 million eu- ros in 2020, which represented almost 14% of its total income. water B U S I N E S S 14 B U S I N E S S