We are FCC - Nº18
As a technological innovation, it is important to highlight that the service will be equipped with a pipe filming robot, a milling robot and a pipe detector from the surface Sustainable mobility As for the street cleaning service, which covers more than 134 ki - lometers of streets, the company will have a staff of 113 people, 39 units of specialized machinery and a fleet of 38 vehicles, of which twelve will be electric, including six auxiliary sweeping vehicles, three inspection vans and three light auxiliary vehicles. The service will also have three hybrid vehicles, including two tanker trucks and an inspection vehicle. In addition, a complete renovation of all street cleaning vehicles is planned, with the aim of making them at least Euro 6d compliant with the European Union’s standard to reduce nitro- gen oxide emissions. This gree- ner fleet is in line with the Corne - llá City Council’s commitment to sustainable mobility. As a novelty, it should be noted that two more operators will be incorporated to manual cleaning in the most den- sely populated neighborhoods of the municipality. With regard to the sewerage ser- vice, maintenance and inspection cover 113.6 kilometers of non-visi- table network and 24.6 kilometers of collector network. The service, which also covers the maintenan- ce of 4,622 wells in the area, will be staffed by three people, a va - cuum-impeller truck and an ins- pection and emergency van. As a technological innovation, it is important to highlight that the ser- vice will have a pipe filming robot, a milling robot and a pipe detector from the surface. In the social area, there is a com- mitment by FCC Environment and the Works Committee to include positive action elements of gen- der equality in the selection pro- cesses to favor, in new hires, the ratio of two women for every man. All the services will be organized and monitored through VISION, a digital platform for comprehensive management developed exclu- sively by FCC Medio Ambiente, which makes it possible to meet the objectives described and res- pond to the client’s current and fu- ture requirements. tallation of photovoltaic panels for charging electric vehicles and the collection of rainwater for washing vehicles. In addition, the installa- tions for collecting large amounts of rainwater will be renovated. It should be emphasized that a campaign will be carried out to in- form citizens about the implemen- tation of the new collection system which, as a novelty, will include a service for collecting furniture from households. FCC Medio Ambiente will serve the 90,000 inhabitants of the city and will annually collect a total of 6,151 tons of recyclables and 21,607 tons of residual waste environment B U S I N E S S 12 B U S I N E S S