We are FCC - Nº17

(M€) Net sales EBITDA EBITDA margin EBIT EBIT margin Income attributable to equity holders of the parent company Net equity Net financial debt Backlog Dic. 20 6.158,0 1.047,5 17,0% 572,7 9,3% 262,2 2.908,7 2.797,8 29.411,7 Dic. 19 6.276,2 1.025,8 16,3% 511,6 8,2% 266,7 2.473,8 3.578,7 31.038,4 Var. (%) -1,9% 2,1% 0,7 p.p 11,9% 1,1 p.p -1,7% 17,6% -21,8% -5,2% Key Figures Oriente Medio y África 7,6% United Kingdom 10,9% Spain 59,6% Rest of Europe and other 13,1% Latin America and U.S. 4,2% Czech Rep. 4,6% % Revenue by Geographical Area Water 27,0% Cement 13,4% Construction 5,1% Concessions 9,0% Corporate 2,5% Environment 43,0% % EBITDA by Business Area F C C G R O U P 8 F C C G R O U P