We are FCC - Nº17

Aqualia, a member of the United Nations Global Compact Aqualia’s ADVISOR, among the most innovative initiatives of 2020 Accreditation for the laboratory in Caltanissetta (Sicily) AENOR certifies Aqualia’s asset management in Sohar (Oman). The Life Phoenix project, a pioneer in wastewater regeneration solutions, presented to EPSAR New wastewater treatment plant and sewage network in Dobroslavice (Czech Republic) Endowment for the social fund for the payment of water bills in Chipiona Aqualia, as a member of the Spanish Global Compact Ne- twork, has become part of the community of business leaders that encourages innovation and promotes public-private partnerships for sustai- nable development. From now on, the use of the Uni- ted Nations mark can be a differentiating element in Aqualia’s projects and actions, increasing the visibility of its performance. With this adhesion, the company subscribes to its 10 universal principles, which in turn ratifies its commitment to the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria. The #PorElClima Community has included the Advisor pro- ject, implemented by Aqualia in the treatment plant of Guijuelo (Salamanca), in the list of the 101 business initiatives that, in a more significant way, can con - tribute to mitigate climate chan- ge and the decarbonization of the economy. The projects in this ranking, developed by lar- ge, medium and small Spanish companies, stand out for their strong environmental commitment, their ambition in the face of climate collapse and social inequalities, their innovative nature and their resilience. Caltaqua, Aqualia’s Italian subsidiary, has accredited its drinking water laboratory in Caltanissetta (Sicily) according to UNI CEI EN ISO / IC 17025: 2018. The achievement of this certificate is due to the techni - cal means present in its facili- ties and its qualified staff, for its constant control on the quality of water in the province. OSWS (Oman Sustainable Water Services SAOC), the consortium formed by Aqualia and the company Majis for the management of the water infrastructure of the port of Sohar (Oman), has obtained AENOR ISO 55001 certification for asset management. This is Aqualia’s first in this area and the first that AENOR has issued in the field of asset management for a company based in Oman. The head of Aqualia in Levante, Higinio Martínez, presented the LIFE Phoenix project to the ma- nager of EPSAR, the Entitat de Sanejament d’Aigües de la Ge- neralitat Valenciana, which addresses the problems of wastewater reuse at a European level, in addition to the growing threat posed by emerging pollutants and microplastics in Spanish waters. The project, with an investment of more than 3.3 million euros, anticipa - tes the future European directive regulating the use of wastewater, published in May 2020. SmVaK, Aqualia’s subsidiary in the Czech Republic, has completed, after two years of construction, the new wastewater treatment plant in the Moravian-Silesian municipality of Dobroslavice, as well as the associated sewerage network. In addition to the new WWTP, three pumping stations, more than 1,500 meters of gravity pipelines and more than half a kilometer of pressurized pipelines have been built. Aqualia has renewed the agree- ment with the Municipality of Chi- piona for the delivery of 10,000 euros to the social fund for peo- ple with economic difficulties to enable them to pay water, sewe- rage, wastewater and wastewater treatment bills. The company makes this amount available to the Muni- cipal Welfare Delegation to cover, after study, situa- tions of need and vulnerability. B R I E F - W A T E R 72 WATER B R I E F