We are FCC - Nº17
New contract for waste collection, street cleaning and maintenance of green areas in Las Rozas (Madrid) Start-up of waste collection service in Omaha, Nebraska (U.S.A.) Recognition for the waste and recycling staff at East Riding of Yorkshire Council (UK) Waste collection in Bytom (Poland) Food donation campaign in Bilbao LHICARSA and FCC Medio Ambiente for inclusion in Cartagena FCC Medio Ambiente has signed a new contract with the City Council of Las Ro- zas (Madrid) for the collection of solid urban waste, street cleaning and main- tenance of green and natural areas for a period of four years and a portfolio amount of 47 million euros, which also includes the possibility of a one-year extension. The provision of the service began in January 2021 with the city council’s commitment to reduce emis- sions and the carbon footprint, giving way to sustainable mobility. To this end, nine electric sweepers for sidewalks and roadways, three electric cars and a hybrid 4x4 ve- hicle for municipal supervision will be incorporated, as well as electric material and tools for the maintenance of green areas. FCC Environmental Services has begun providing solid urban waste collection, pruning collection and clean point ma- nagement services in the city of Omaha (Nebraska). The new contract repre- sents a portfolio of more than $500 mi- llion for a period of up to 20 years. To serve the 466,000 inhabitants of the city, the company will provide the servi- ce with a fleet of 69 trucks powered by Compressed Na - tural Gas (CNG), with the significant benefits of reducing the environmental impact and carbon footprint in the city. The Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE) has recognized the work of East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s staff, who work closely with FCC Environment in its waste and recycling management work. APSE an- nounced in December 2020 that the council had won the Best Service Team award for the provision of a Waste Management and Recycling Service. In addition, the Bri- tish town council also took the top prize for Town Coun- cil of the Year. These awards, presented annually by the association, celebrate outstanding achievements and innovations in the delivery of local government services. The consortium FCC Polska Sp. z o. o. o. and Mie- jskie Przedsiębiorstwo Gospodarki Komunalnej from Zabrze has started to provide services in the town of Bytom in the field of waste collection and mana- gement. The agreement covers, among others, mu- nicipal waste collection, bulky waste collection and, more frequently than before, waste collection at the separate collection point. The workers of the Interiores Bil- bao II joint ven- ture, a company located in Bilbao that cleans the interiors of mu- nicipal public buildings, have carried out a food dona- tion campaign among its staff in which 1,340 kilos of food have been collected to help alleviate the collateral effects of Covid-19 on the most needy population of Bi - zkaia. As part of the campaign, the Company contribu- ted the same amount of food, which has meant a total of 2,680 kilos, which have been donated to the Food Bank of Bizkaia. LHICARSA, a joint venture that carries out waste collection and treatment and street cleaning services in Cartagena, owned by FCC Medio Ambiente and the Cartagena City Council, and as part of its social commitment to the city, collaborates permanently with different asso - ciations, groups and charitable institutions in projects aimed at assisting the most disadvantaged groups or those at risk of social exclusion. It also promotes among its employees, together with the City Council and other non-profit associations, campaigns for the donation of food and other basic necessities and blood donations. Among its initiatives is the labor inclusion of disadvan- taged groups, carried out with foundations or organiza- tions, as well as others of its own nature. B R I E F - E N V I R O N M E N T 70 ENVIRONMENT B R I E F