We are FCC - Nº17

On 3 October, FCC agreed to sell its entire stake in three concessions lo- cated in Spain to Vauban Infrastruc- ture Partners, within its policy of ro- tation and selective development of projects in this activity. These three concessions are included in the por- tfolio of the FCC Group, which has a stake in 14 transport infrastructure concessions. The agreement will mean the trans- fer of 51% in the Cedinsa Group, which manages the concession of four dual carriageways in Catalonia, 49% in Ceal 9, the concessionaire of the stations on section 1 of line 9 of the Barcelona Metro, and 29% in Urbicsa, the operator for the Ciudad de Justicia (City of Justice), also in Barcelona. The price to be paid by Vauban for all of FCC’s stakes in these conces- sions amounts to 409.3 million eu- ros, enabling the deconsolidation of 690.7 million euros of net financial debt at the close of the third quar- ter and will improve the Group’s tre- asury position. The closure of the agreement is pending obtaining the usual authorisations for this type of transaction. FCC has agreed to the sale of certain infrastructure concessions for more than 400 million euros Last July, an agreement was rea- ched with the investment group Icon Infrastructure Partners for the pur- chase of 49% of the capital of the new subsidiary company Green Recovery Projects Limited (GRP), header and owner of five energy recovery plants (“EfW”) of FCC Medio Ambiente subsidiary in the United Kingdom (located in Kent, Nottinghamshire, Buckinghamshire, Edinburgh and Lincolnshire), for an amount totalling 198 million pounds sterling. This meant an enterpri- se value of the company, at 100%, of 650 million pounds including its debt. The transaction was comple- ted last November. The head of the area, FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente Holding, maintains control of GRP and its global conso- lidation, as well as a 50% stake in the incinerator in Mercia and a 40% stake in the one in Lostock. FCC, through its company FCC Concesiones, has been selected for the extension of the A465 motorway in Wales (United Kingdom). FCC is part of the Future Valleys consor- tium along with other local and in- ternational partners in the project, which will be developed under the PPP model. The project is key to improving connectivity and develo- pment in the region and has a plan- ned investment of more than 600 million euros. FCC Medio Ambiente finalises the entry of a minority financial partner in the UK FCC as licensee for the construction and operation of a motorway in the United Kingdom 7