We are FCC - Nº17

FCC Construcción, has been awarded a new contract in Madrid , which includes the initial development phase of Los Berrocales The development of this new residential area in Madrid will be spread over 15 years in six different phases and anticipates a total investment of 3 billion euros, which will be used, among other things, to build more than 22,000 homes, of which 10,500 will be built by FCC. FCC Construcción has won the contract for the development of the first phase of Los Berrocales (Madrid). The contract is worth 35 million euro and has a completion period of 20 months. These works will start at the begin- ning of 2021 and it is foreseen that those owners who want to build will be able to do so from the third quar- ter of 2022, through simultaneous execution. of which 2.25 million will be for re- sidential use. A total of 6.08 million square meters of land will be developed, of which 2.15 million square meters will be used for green areas, 1.99 million square meters for public facilities and services, 1.71 million square meters for infrastructure, and 228,830 squa- re meters for social integration hou- sing (VIS). Los Berrocales will also have 639,057 square meters of in- dustrial park, 235,442 square meters of office space, and 219,969 square meters of tertiary uses. This first stage includes the first and third phases and will involve the construction of some 10,500 homes, of which some 1,200 will be transferred to the city council for so- cial rental. In total and in this area of Los Be - rrocales, located in the southeast of Madrid, 22,287 homes will be built, half of which will have some type of public protection. The project, which will be developed in six phases over a period of 15 years, until 2034, fo- resees a total investment of 3,000 million euros. The agreement, which was appro- ved by Madrid City Council at the end of March 2019, contemplates the development of 8.31 million square meters, of which 495,741 will correspond to assigned exterior general systems, while the remai- ning 7.8 million square meters will be interior land. The total buildable area is 3.3 million square meters, C O M M U N I T I E S 68 C O M M U N I T I E S