We are FCC - Nº17

See the water treatment process at the Cabornio DWTP: The ozonation process is carried out by means of four modern generators, thus eliminating all odors and tastes in the water due to the powerful oxi - dizing action of this agent. This is one of the strong points of this plant and the one that has been most appreciated by users, as it elimina- tes small organic materials such as microalgae. Another of the characte- autonomous community and Castilla y León, with canal sections, siphons, rapids, and four tunnels, which in- crease the uniqueness and magic of this system. In its long route, surface waters from the streams are captu- red, as well as those of the springs coming from Quirós and the flows, without leaving aside the waters of phreatic origin. READ THE PD F supply. The fourth source of supply comes from CADASA, which, with its storage in the Cuyences reservoir, helps to contribute to the supply of the urban area. The Nuevo del Cristo head tank has recently been incorporated into the distribution system. Aqualia has ma- naged to solve the curse that has ac- companied this infrastructure since its construction in 2004, after multi- ple breakdowns, complications and failed attempts, such as the one that occurred recently before the end of 2020. It has a capacity of 75,000 cu- bic meters and represents an enor- mous step forward in guaranteeing supply. This infrastructure takes over from the Los Quintos reservoir, which has concluded its services af- ter more than 50 years in operation. Finally, and along almost 800 kilo- meters of pipes, 245 in urban areas and 550 in rural areas, stored in 40 reservoirs distributed throughout the Council, the users are responsible for enjoying the high quality of the water provided by Aqualia, where the chlorine gas technique is applied to carry out a final disinfection, thus maintaining a residual amount of di- sinfectant in the water to prevent its contamination during distribution to the consumers’ taps. ristics that make Aqualia’s advanced system so well known is the altitude at which the DWTP is located, which uses the force of gravity to deliver the water to Oviedo, resulting in con- siderable energy savings. With its activity at the station, Aqualia conti- nues to be faithful to its responsible commitment to the environment. In addition to the water collected by Alfilorios, which is subsequently treated at the Cabornio DWTP, the water cycle management and the consequent water supply to Oviedo is also carried out with water from another pipeline, the so-called Ara- mo Canal. A route of more than 48 ki- lometers that begins in the vicinity of the autonomous limits between the On the other hand, Aqualia has an innovative system for the collection of water from sub-valveas in Palo - mar which, if necessary, allows it to provide this route with an extra flow to adequately carry out the water The drinking water treatment plant makes Oviedo the municipality with one of the best water for human consumption in the country T H E P L A C E 66