We are FCC - Nº17

Aqualia submits the water arriving at the treatment plant to more than 40 analyses per day, which means a total of 14,000 controls per year In its daily activity in the integral ma- nagement of the water cycle, Aqualia is also present in the Council of Ovie- do (Asturias). The water used to su- pply practically the entire population of the capital of Asturias, with a po- pulation of over 220,000 inhabitants, comes from four possible sources: the Alfilorios Reservoir, the Palomar sub-valve pumping station, the Cen- tral Zone System of the Consorcio de Aguas de Asturias (CADASA) and the Canal del Aramo pipeline, which uses water from streams and springs over a length of more than 63 kilo- meters. The Alfilorios Reservoir, located in the central area of the Principality of Asturias and with a capacity of 9.14 cubic hectometers, on the course of the Barrea river, retains a large part of its course in its 54 hectares of sur- face area. As a tributary of the Nalón River, which empties its waters into the Cantabrian Sea, between San Esteban de Pravia and San Juan de la Arena, the Barrea rises near the houses of Alguera de Arriba and flows approximately 5.1 kilometers to its confluence with the river. A fairytale enclave, surrounded by dense and green fields, as well as by the characteristic mountains that draw the landscape and rocky re- lief of the community. A space that mimics perfectly with other charac- teristic places of northern Europe, where water and nature are recog- nized in its maximum expression. The chromatic mixture resulting from this great panoramic view is one of its main attractions for the vision of anyone who comes to contemplate the area, in addition to feeling the constant and characteristic breezes. There are those who do not hesitate to classify Asturias and its towns as one of the most charming regions of Spain. Localed in the county of Ribera de Arriba The project was designed in the six - ties, although it was not until 1990 when the works were completed, re- sulting in a dam 67 meters high from its base. With practically its entire surface area in the municipality of Morcín, the reservoir is located in the municipality of Ribera de Arriba and is a source of supply for the towns in the central area of Asturias. Its pur- pose does not end only in the water supply, since the adjacent areas of this hydrographic feature also have recreational areas that allow the practice of sports such as fishing; the historic Torreón de Peñerudes, whose origin dates back to the Midd- le Ages; as well as small viewpoints from where you can perfectly appre- ciate the 1,054 metre high Monsacro; and its two small Romanesque cha - pels: the Ermita de Santiago and the Ermita de la Magdalena. Inaugurated in 2014 In addition to making the water that travels to Oviedo drinkable, the Ca- bornio Drinking Water Treatment Plant project, inaugurated in 2014, was a real injection of life into the supply networks of the City Council of the Asturian town, which had been developed in recent years. In this first-rate facility, where 1,500 liters of water per second can be treated, Aqualia’s water service managers ri- gorously check the condition of the water that reaches the treatment plant and subject it to more than 40 daily analyses, which means a total of 14,000 annual controls. This pro- vision in the municipality significantly increased its quality, making it, wi- thout doubt, one of the best waters in the world for human consumption. The use of ozone in the treatment of water in Cabornio is one of the mul- tiple factors that influence this fact. T H E P L A C E 65 T H E P L A C E