We are FCC - Nº17

In terms of technological innovation, the total digitalization of services through VISION, the integral platform created exclusively by FCC Medio Ambiente, stands out quadra; educational centers; or the headquarters of the Department of the Interior. The company has also worked for the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the Municipal Institute of Rehabilitation and Housing of the Barcelona City Council and the Ca- talan Housing Agency. On the other hand, FCC Medio Ambiente has re- cently incorporated the maintenance contract for the schools of the Barce- lona Education Consortium, with the comprehensive management and maintenance of 120 buildings and 500,000 square meters. On the other hand, the company also carries out the electrical main- tenance of the entire City of Justice and, in a joint venture with FCC In- dustrial, performs the maintenance service for the metro stations on line 9. Public lighting in municipalities such as Santa Sussana, with 3,200 light points, or Sabadell, with 30,000 light points, are other contracts that FCC Medio Ambiente has in its por- tfolio, which in total covers a total of 2,000,000 square meters from its office in Barcelona. Planning and enhancement FCC Medio Ambiente’s services are characterized by planning and the search for added value for the client. In the current era, the company pays attention to the threat of COVID-19 and with its Occupational Health and Safety departments, and following the instructions of the competent authorities, has developed specific and rigorous protocols that highlight its commitment to the protection and health of all people. In terms of technological innovation, the company has also carried out a process of total digitalization of servi- ces, incorporating all planned routes and all actual production data into VISION, a comprehensive manage- ment software platform developed exclusively by FCC Medio Ambien- te. All the information relating to the workers is digitized: from their trai- ning to their periodic medical check- ups. In this way, FCC Medio Ambien- te has eliminated paper from all of its procedures, while at the same time improving processes. I N N O V A T I O N 62 I N N O V A T I O N