We are FCC - Nº17

FCC Medio Ambiente’s innovative commitment to comprehensive maintenance in Barcelona FCC Medio Ambiente serves more than 60 million people in nearly 5,000 municipalities and has been providing municipal services and comprehensive waste management for more than 100 years. This century of experience that the company has behind it continues today with its services in twelve countries, which can be seen in the diversity of all of them: collection, treatment, recycling, energy recovery and disposal of solid urban waste; cleaning of public roads; maintenan- ce of sewage networks; maintenan- ce and conservation of green areas; maintenance and cleaning of buil- dings and facilities; treatment and disposal of industrial waste; and re- covery of contaminated soils. FCC Medio Ambiente also provides Facility Management services to nearly 6.6 million people, combining technology with personnel manage- ment, and promoting the labor and social inclusion of vulnerable groups through Special Employment and Training Centers, and in collabora- tion with organizations that share this social objective, such as the Incorpora program of the “la Caixa” Foundation, or the Inserta program of the ONCE Foundation. Due to the nature of the contracts provided with these services, which generally respond to the profile of lar - ge clients, in the Barcelona branch of FCC Medio Ambiente the production teams are structured in two divisions, on the one hand those dedicated to comprehensive maintenance of faci- lities and, on the other hand, those dedicated to cleaning buildings and premises. A facility management service serving more than six million people The company offers its Facility Management services to large clients, combining its innovative technology with its social responsibility in labor inclusion and support for the most vulnerable groups. I N N O V A T I O N 60 I N N O V A T I O N