We are FCC - Nº17

Last October, FCC Medio Ambien- te was the highest-rated company in terms of technical criteria in the tender for the cleaning and waste collection for the city of Barcelona. In this tender, the ie-Urban, a new internally developed, 100% electric, modular chassis-platform electric collection truck, played a key role in the proposal to enhance urban sus- tainability and minimise environmen- tal impact. If this award is confirmed, the contract will represent more than 800 million euros in revenues not in- cluded in the backlog at the end of 2020. Among the various renewals obtai- ned, last December the municipality of Vigo approved the concession to FCC Aqualia of a five-year extension of the supply and sanitation mana- gement contract, for 259.6 million euros. This expansion is linked to the implementation of an investment plan that will improve the current high levels of service. In addition, all the renewals obtained have allowed us to enjoy a good loyalty rate in 2020, which remains at very high levels (close to 100%). The operational sta- bility of this Area resulted in a “posi- tive” annual credit rating perspective on behalf of Fitchratings, obtained last July. Last September, a consortium in which FCC Construcción participa- tes was awarded the contract for the design and construction of a new hospital in Jersey. The design is va- lued at 26.4 million euros and the execution period will be one and a half years. The construction phase will then begin, valued at a further 550 million euros. Among other important projects, the company was awarded the E6 mo- torway in Norway for 238.8 million euros, which includes the design and construction of a new 25-kilometre section of the E6 motorway, with an execution period of 47 months. Spe - cial mention should go to the award this year of the design, construction and maintenance of section 2 of the Maya Train (Mexico), jointly with Car - so Infraestructuras y Construcción. The project consists of a 200-kilo- metre section valued at close to 700 million euros with an execution pe - riod of 28 months to which a further five years of maintenance has been added. FCC Medio Ambiente is the most highly rated company for the Barcelona cleaning and collection contract FCC Aqualia renews several end-to-end water cycle contracts in Spain FCC Construcción will build a new hospital in the United Kingdom for 590 million euros Highlights 2020 F C C G R O U P 6 F C C G R O U P