We are FCC - Nº17

■ Wash hands with soap and wa- ter or alcohol-based sanitizing gel before putting on and taking off the mask. ■ The mask should completely co- ver the face from the bridge of the nose to the chin and when putting it on, the nose clip should be pin- ched to adjust it well to the nose. ■ Do not manipulate the mask once it is in place, nor touch the rest of the face. ■ Remove the mask without tou- ching the front part, holding it by the elastic bands or ribbons and discard it safely. ■ The use of masks may provide a false sense of security, so the other preventive measures described above should not be forgotten. Specification UNE 0064 (non-reu - sable hygienic masks: requirements for materials, design, manufacture, marking) and UNE 0065 (reusable hygienic masks for adults and chil- dren: requirements for materials, de- sign, manufacture, marking and use) include the minimum requirements that this type of mask must meet. Characteristics: ■ They must cover nose, mouth and chin, guaranteeing an ade- quate adjustment to the face. ■ They must be made of a suita- ble filtering material that allows breathing, of one or more layers (a material or combination of materials, provided that they do not present known risks of irrita- tion or adverse health effects). Recommendations: ■ It is recommended not to use the mask for longer than four hours and in case it becomes wet or deteriorated by use, re- place it with another one (appli- cable to reusable and non-reu- sable masks). ■ The reusable mask should be washed every time it gets dirty, wet or cannot be correctly pla- ced on the face. ■ If it is to be stored temporarily, contact with any surface should be avoided. ■ It should also not be placed in a standby position on the fore- head or under the chin during and after use. ■ For the disinfection of reusable masks, a complete washing cy- cle should be carried out, with the usual detergent, at a was- hing temperature of 60 °C or immersed in a 1:50 dilution of bleach with warm water for 30 minutes, and then washed with soap and water. The fabric must withstand at least 5 washing and drying cycles while maintai- ning its characteristics. ■ Contact between a dirty mask (to be washed) and clean clo- thes should be avoided. ■ Do not dry or sanitize in a mi- crowave oven. ■ Masks should be disposed of in a container with a plastic bag (preferably with a lid and non-manual control). It is re- commended to use double bags to preserve the contents of the first bag in case of tearing of the outer bag. Author: SEMES. Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine (For Fundación Mapfre). Correct use of masks Hygienic masks W E L L N E S S W E L L N E S S 59