We are FCC - Nº17

FCC Environment has successfu- lly completed the best practice Five Star Occupational Health and Safety Audit conducted by the British Safety Council, demonstrating its commit- ment towards the continual improve- ment of their health and safety ma- nagement systems. The company underwent a compre- hensive, quantified and robust eva - luation of its occupational health and safety policies, processes and prac- tices. The audit procedure included documentation review, interviews with senior management, employees and other key stakeholders, together with sampling of operational activi- ties. They have also demonstrated to an independent panel of experts that they are excellent in their health and safety management throughout the business. The audit measured performance against key health and safety ma- nagement best practice indicators and a detailed review of over sixty component elements. FCC Environ- ment was awarded a five-star rating following the audit which is the top score. David Parr, Policy and Technical Services Director at the British Sa- fety Council, said: “The award of a five-star grading following our oc - cupational best practice Health and Safety Audit is reflective of a proac - tive organisation which is commit- ted to continual improvement in its health and safety arrangements and managing risks to workers’ health, safety and welfare. FCC Environ- ment should be very proud of this achievement”. FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente, the environmental services area of FCC Group, is present in the United Kingdom through FCC Environment UK, which provides municipal so- lid waste collection, recycling and treatment, and generation of green energy from waste, among other services. In 2017, the British Safety Coun- cil awarded FCC Environment this same five-star rating for their exce - llent management of health and sa- fety risks in the working environment. The Five Star Occupational Health and Safety Audit is a comprehensi- ve, contemporary and quantified pro - cess which benchmarks health and safety management performance against the latest best practice te- chniques. Those organisations who achieve a five-star grading following the audit become eligible to enter the British Safety Council Sword of Ho- nour Awards. The British Safety Council is an or- ganisation that campaigns to protect workers from accidents, hazards and unsafe conditions; and plays a key role in the political process that has led to the adoption of landmark safety legislation in the UK. Once again, FCC Environment UK achieves five-star grading in the British Safety Council’s Occupational Health and Safety Audit W E L L N E S S W E L L N E S S 57