We are FCC - Nº17

On 4 February last, the interna- tional community commemorated World Cancer Day, to which FCC wanted to give visibility by suppor- ting all the patients and victims who suffer from this pathology every year, both in Spain and in the rest of the world, and by giving value to their constant struggle. This day was proclaimed in Paris in 2000 by the World Health Orga- nization, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the International Union Against Cancer (IUAC), with the aim of rai- sing awareness and social cons- ciousness to mobilize the world’s population in the fight against the FCC helps to make the fight against cancer more visible and to highlight its value The importance of research and early diagnosis WATCH THE IUAC VIDEO OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE WORLD CANCER DAY WATCH THE IARC NEWS VIDEO disease and achieve progress in its prevention and control. Along the same lines, the FCC Group also wanted to give visibili- ty to the #YoSoyYVoyA campaign of the International Union Against Cancer, which aims, in an inclusive way, to spread the word and reach the most remote areas so that they can access the necessary training and information, breaking down and overcoming stigmas and hel- ping to reduce the fear of the di- sease. To this end, the institution developed a special program that took place throughout the day and invited reflection. An appeal to the world population whose actions will try to reduce the impact of cancer with the participation of experts and professionals, as well as people who shared their own stories as an exam- ple of overcoming. The emergence of COVID-19 has negatively ti- pped the balance in the field of oncology preven - tion, study and the recommended treatment. It is estimated that in the year 2020 there were 20 million new cases worldwide, half of which could not be overcome. Experts are now calling for the need to allocate more resources so that as many cases as possible can be discovered and treated in the shortest possible time. Among the individual measures to be taken for prevention and risk reduction, the WHO and the International Union Against Cancer propose the following: Good health leads to higher productivity, greater social stability and economic growth. If we act, 3.7 million lives can be saved each year. Together we can create change, our change. W E L L N E S S 56 W E L L N E S S Eat healthy foods and following a balanced diet. Be constant in the daily practice of sports Stay away from tobacco and do not smoke Reduce alcohol consumption Enjoy the sun with care and avoid solariums. Avoid pollutants and chemicals Get vaccinated Know the signs and symptoms of the disease