We are FCC - Nº17

Belén Cerezo Technical specialist Belén, who currently emphasi- zes the solidarity that people have shown more than ever despite the initial fear, is in charge of welcoming donors to the bus. She explains the procedure to them and hands them the preliminary form, although she also provides support to the nur- se if necessary, after the interview with the doctor. In addition, she is in charge of recording the donor’s information in the computer system and reflecting the donation. In her words, every detail is taken care of with regard to the disinfection of the space and the safety of the donor. Paloma Martínez Nurse 20 years after the beginning of her vocational career in the Spanish Red Cross, Paloma feels fully sa- tisfied with her work as a nurse for being able to save lives and help people. Despite the tragedies she has had to go through since then, she considers that she has always been able to adapt to any situation, and like everyone else, also to that Spanish Red Cross appreciates FCC’s commitment and social work in times of pandemic The Spanish Red Cross has once again acknowledged the solidarity of FCC and its employees in its support for the most vulnerable people in the 2020 financial year, especially in the context of the current social and heal- th crisis. The humanitarian institution wanted to thank the company once again for its social work, loyalty and commitment to the thousands of peo- ple who are currently experiencing unfavorable living conditions, so that they can regain hope and improve their quality of life. of the COVID-19 pandemic. Her aim is to make the donor feel safe during the collection, doing everything pos- sible to inspire confidence in him. Jesús Monjas Driver and assistant Jesús is another of the guides who takes care of the donors who visit the Red Cross buses that he brings to the workplaces of the companies or institutions that request it. He wants to make it as easy as possible for tho- se who wish to join the donation pro- cess and has been helping people for more than 30 years. He believes that the pandemic has not slowed down the public and that today there is no room for fear, as it is part of his daily work to normalize the situation and transform fear into confidence. His work, which is fundamental, is really an incentive for him to enjoy his work every day, which for him is a great advantage, since he works in what he likes, and it shows. People are aware that blood is needed and as long as that happens, we will always be here W E L L N E S S W E L L N E S S 55