We are FCC - Nº17

20 reasons for being a donor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Because when you donate blood you contribute to save up to 3 lives, because when you arrive at the transfusion center the bag is divided into 3 components: red blood cells, plasma and platelets that will be transfused to each patient according to their needs. Because you or someone close to you has received a transfusion. Because we do not know when we may need it and we all wish that, if necessary, there is blood ready to be transfused in the hospital. Because it is a family tradition and since childhood you have seen how your relatives have donated blood. Because you become an example for others. Because you are not only helping 3 people, but the whole environment of the transfused person. Their family and friends will benefit as much and will be as grateful as they are. Because although medicine has advanced a lot, blood cannot be manufactured and we need each other. Because blood components expire and it is essential that donations are made every day. Red blood cells last 42 days, platelets only 5 to 7 days and plasma can be frozen for up to 3 years. Because 1 in 10 people admitted to a hospital needs blood. Because every 3 seconds someone needs blood. Because 1 out of every 2 people living in Spain will need blood at some time in their lives. Because only 5% of potential donors donate blood every year. Because there are those who cannot do it, for health reasons or other circumstances, even if they wish to. Because a leukemia patient may need up to 200 bags of blood, a complicated childbirth up to 10 bags, a liver transplant between 30 and 200 bags. Because it is an act that does not pose any risk to health. The collection material is aseptic and single-use and the donated blood is quickly regenerated. Because it is a way to regularly check hemoglobin levels and blood pressure. It is not the intended purpose of donating blood, as the donation is the end in itself, but many donors have found that they need to check their health when attempting to donate blood. Because the entire donation process, including resting, takes no more than 30 minutes. You know, 30 minutes of your life, is a life for other people. Because it’s a way to volunteer and it makes you a caring person. Because helping others makes us happier. Because to be a donor is to be sociable, sensitive, optimistic and vital. Being a donor says a lot about you. Source: Spanish Red Cross 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 W E L L N E S S 52 W E L L N E S S