We are FCC - Nº17

The new voluntary donation campaign promoted by the Spa- nish Red Cross and FCC throughout the month of February has once again recorded great numbers. During the days held outside the company’s corporate headquarters in Fede- rico Salmón and Las Tablas, in Madrid, a total of 90 donors went to the Spanish Red Cross buses located in the vicinity of both work centers. Thanks to the solidarity of all of them, at least 270 patients in Madrid hospitals will be able to improve their living conditions. A few drops of gratitude Thanks to everyone for their collaboration. An exercise in solidarity FCC employees have once again shown their solidarity with this cause by joining in this action. They have full confiden - ce in the know-how of the health workers, who from the be- ginning of the pandemic have carried out their work in an extraordinary way, taking care of the donor at all times and answering all questions. The donation team has permanent- ly followed the strict protocols of cleanliness, safety distance and disinfection in the entire space. W E L L N E S S W E L L N E S S 51