We are FCC - Nº17

FCC continues to show its commit- ment to society and the current heal- th context of hospitals after the CO- VID-19 crisis, thus highlighting the need to obtain blood donations that can help other people to get better. That is why the company, and as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy, in line with SDG 3 of the 2030 Agenda of the United Na- tions Organization, made available to its employees, together with the Spa- nish Red Cross, a voluntary blood donation campaign in the vicinity of its corporate headquarters in Las Ta- blas and Federico Salmón (Madrid). Certain surgical interventions require large quantities of blood to be carried out, as do many cases in which time plays a key and decisive factor, for example, in traffic accidents or trau - ma. At least one out of every 10 peo- ple admitted to a Spanish hospital every day needs a blood transfusion. A simple gesture can save lives Despite the fact that only 5% of po- tential donors carry out this exercise each year, Spain is one of the coun- FCC and the Spanish Red Cross present their new voluntary blood donation campaign at the companies’ corporate headquarters in Las Tablas and Federico Salmón (Madrid). a permanent need for solidarity tries with the greatest solidarity in this area. Contributing to it is as sim- ple as going to one of the transfusion centers set up by the Spanish Red Cross, which are usually located in the vicinity of schools, institutions or workplaces. Only an estimated time of 30 minutes, including rest, is ne- cessary to complete the transfusion. The blood that we obtain thanks to donations is used for the treatment of many diseases that cause ane- mia and in the treatment of different types of cancer, as well as for sur- gical interventions, organ transplants and treatment for accidents, hemo- rrhages and burns. In addition, your solidarity and willingness not only benefits the patient, but also his or her environment, family and friends. However, not everyone who wishes to contribute can do so. Certain pa- thologies prevent blood transfusions, although in no case does it pose any risk to health, since the collection material is aseptic and single-use, in addition to controlling hemoglo- bin levels and blood pressure, data that can reveal the state of health of people who offer to perform a trans - fusion. 450 ml = 3 lives 450 milliliters of blood are enough to save at least three lives, because once at the transfusion center where it is analyzed, it is divided into three components to be transfused accor- ding to the needs of each patient. A heart transplant requires at least 20 bags of blood, including platelets, plasma and red blood cells. A liver transplant requires 40 for the same reason; however, a complicated ble- eding in the surgical process could range between 10 and 20 bags. It is estimated that every three seconds someone needs blood, especially given the fragility of these compo- nents. Donations are essential on a cons- tant and regular basis so that the reserves continue to be maintained and do not go into red alert. That is why the involvement, collaboration and solidarity of everyone is essen- tial, because with this simple gesture many lives are saved every day. The importance of blood donation: W E L L N E S S 50 W E L L N E S S