We are FCC - Nº17

Aqualia has been awarded at the 13th edition of the European Exce- llence Awards (EEA) for its commu- nication campaign “Who is behind the water we use at home?”. This initiative aims to highlight the work of water professionals and their tire- less efforts to keep water and sani - tation services at the highest level even at the height of the pandemic. Aqualia’s campaign has imposed itself in the category Purpose Dri- ven Communications, (Covid-19), At the end of January, the Spanish Ministry of Equality awarded Aqua- lia the renewal of its Equality in the Workplace Distinction (DIE) for the next three years. The DIE is a mark of excellence awarded by the Ministry to compa- nies and entities that stand out in the development of gender equali- ty policies in the workplace, which Aqualia was awarded in 2007. Sin- ce the Administration awarded this distinction to the Company in 2010, Aqualia has worked to promote good practices in favor of equality between women and men, involving its entire workforce in this objective. Among the company’s significant initiatives in the area of equality, the participation of female employees in the Management Development Program, focused on High Potential to other interesting proposals of brands such as Audi, Levi Strauss & Co. or Naturgy, all of them related to the management of the coronavi- rus crisis in their respective sectors. The jury, made up of communication managers from companies such as Pfizer, BMW, EDP and HSBC, va - lued the informative, encouraging and positive spirit of Aqualia’s cam- paign. Women, of the School of Industrial Organization (EOI), stands out. In this edition of the program, now in its 13th year, five representatives of the company took part: Blanca Sán- chez Manzanares (Zone I), Laura Bueno (Zone II), Lola López-Godoy (Zone III), Marina Jiménez (DITA) and Raquel Escobar (DITA). Among the work and tasks that the students have developed in this edi- tion of the program, the collabora- tion with two solidarity projects of the Spanish Association of Rubins- tein-Taybi Syndrome (AESRT) and the Alacrán Association to combat the digital divide in young people stand out. Aqualia renews its Equality in the Workplace Seal of Approval for the next three years A campaign by Aqualia, awarded for its recognition of professionals who have worked in the water sector during the pandemic R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 45 R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y