We are FCC - Nº17

The Ministry of Equality and the Secretary of State for Equality and Against Gender Violence have re- newed FCC Construcción’s Equality Seal. The seal is a mark of excellence and reputation with which the govern- ment recognizes FCC Construcción as a company committed to equali- ty. These policies are aimed at fa- cilitating the reconciliation of perso- nal, family and professional life. In addition, they have general objec- tives and articulate flexible measu - res to adapt them to the diversity of needs, situations and shortcomings of the workforce. From the analysis of the dossier submitted by FCC Construcción, the Secretary of State has positively valued the continuity of the commit- ment in favor of equality together with the numerous internal and ex- ternal communication actions deve- loped. The report highlights the improve- ment of procedures for selection, promotion, professional classifica - tion (job map) and remuneration policy; as well as the availability of training in equality accessible to the entire workforce, the numerous means of communication, the new protocols for the prevention and era- dication of harassment, the Code of Ethics and Conduct, and the Ethical Channel. On March 3, FCC Construcción held the 2nd BIM-Digitization Con- ference, which was opened with the participation and active interaction of more than 270 people who were able to enjoy the different topics that were addressed during the event. The objective of this action is to bring the BIM methodology, as well as di- gitalization, closer to all the people who are part of the company. The conference aims to convey the idea that digitalization and the imple- mentation of processes under BIM methodology involve aligning efforts in a common direction among all areas of FCC Construcción. This forum provides an ideal envi- ronment to open discussions about the needs of the different teams of the company, both at central and site level, from the bidding phase to the moment FCC Construcción delivers its projects. In this way, the benefits that the BIM methodology offers throughout the part of the life cycle in which FCC Construcción participates are made palpable. During the II Conference on Digi- talization-BIM, presentations were made on the digitalization experien- ces carried out in works such as the remodeling of the Santiago Berna- béu Stadium and the A9 (Holland) and E6 (Norway) highways, or the Tenerife Island Ring Road, showing the reality that BIM already repre- sents in the works carried out by the company. The different sessions addressed topics related to health and safety, topography, innovation initiatives or information connectivity, manage- ment and security. In addition, there were different round tables with the participation of construction mana- gers, studies and project supervi- sion staff, as well as quality, people who have considerable experience within the company and who must lead the company’s digitalization process. FCC Construcción expects to con- tinue to have the greatest possible participation during the online mee- tings that will continue to be held on March 10, 17 and 24. FCC Construcción recognized once again with the Equality in the Company Seal FCC Construcción organizes the 2nd BIM-Digitization Conference R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 44 R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y