We are FCC - Nº17

Tranvía de Murcia (the Murcia Tra- mway) has been awarded in the ca- tegory “Leadership in Sustainable Mobility” within the awards for Busi- ness Excellence organized annually by the newspaper La Razón. The event was attended by various national, regional and municipal political personalities, as well as a representation of the private sector. On behalf of Tranvía de Murcia, the award was collected by the mana- ger, Severiano Arias, and attended by two members of the Board of Di- rectors of Tranvía de Murcia, Igna- cio Codesal and Jose Luis Gascón. These awards recognize the trajec- tory of companies in different sec - tions, being Murcia Tranvía awarded in 2021 for its contribution to sustai- nable mobility in the municipality of Murcia. “For the Murcia Tramway, this award is the recognition of the tram’s com- mitment to the city of Murcia, its sustainable mobility and the structu- ring of urban connectivity in the city and its districts,” explains Severiano Arias. Since the start of commercial opera- tion of the Murcia Tram, in May 2011, the tram has avoided the emission into the atmosphere of more than 35,000 tons of CO 2 , thus contributing to the improvement of the municipa- lity’s air quality, and promoting more sustainable and efficient mobility. 74 tons less of CO 2 per year Tranvía de Murcia is also the hol- der of the Reduzco Seal, awarded by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition. The Reduzco seal allows organizations to demonstrate their participation in the Carbon Footprint Registry and also reflects the de - gree of effort undertaken by them in the fight against climate change. All the energy consumed by Tran- vía de Murcia is 100% green or re- newable energy and, in addition, it has put into operation a photovoltaic installation on the roof of the works- hop and garage building that provi- des energy to the building, and that avoids the emission of more than 74 tons of CO 2 per year. Murcia tram is committed to being the backbone of public transport in the city of Murcia, to achieve effec - tive intermodality with the other means of public transport in the municipality. In this way, a quality public transport is obtained, efficient and environmentally sustainable, which reduces the presence of pri- vate vehicles on the streets, giving preference to pedestrians. Since the beginning of the operation, Tranvía de Murcia has transported more than 42 million users. In the latest satisfaction survey, carried out last November among Murcia Tram users, more than 43% of those surveyed consider the ex- tension of the line as the main way to improve the service offered. Of these, more than 23% point to the preferred destination of reaching the El Carmen station Severano Arias, manager of the Murcia Tramway, accompanied by Ignacio Codesal and Jose Luis Gascón, members of the project’s Board of Directors. R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 43 R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y