We are FCC - Nº17

FCC Medio Ambiente has received from Ecovidrio the honorary prize “Ecolatras Special Award”, along with other companies in the sector, for its crucial work in the glass recy- cling chain. This is one of the awards that the non-profit organisation, in charge of waste and glass recycling management in Spain, gives annua- lly. They acknowledge the commit- ment of the whole value chain in its mission to improve the recycling rate of glass packaging and promote sus- tainable lifestyles. Sylvain Cortes, Head of Waste Treat- ment and Recycling department, has collected the award in behalf of the company. FCC Medio Ambiente, as reflected in its Sustainability Strategy 2050, is committed to achieving the SDGs of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the recycling levels es- tablished by the European Union’s Ecovidrio awards FCC for its work in the glass recycling chain Sylvain Cortes, of FCC Medio Ambiente, holds the award presented by Ecovidrio. The 100% electric chassis-plat- form for Urban Service vehicles, ie-Urban, developed together by FCC Medio Ambiente and the Irizar Group, received the award for the Ecological Industrial Vehicle of the Year 2021 yesterday in the mixed category, at the National Transport Awards. The award was given by the publi- shing house Grupo Editec, which has been organising the awards for 30 years, and counted on a jury made up of almost fifty transport professionals from our country and specialists from the automotive in- dustry. It should be noted that this chas- sis-platform has received numerous awards, such as the Smart City Award 2019 of the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) in the category of Best Innovative Idea; or the European Business Awards for Environment (EBAE) Spain, in the Product-Service section. The company has been researching electric mobility for more than 50 years, and launched its first 100% electric collection truck in 1974. It currently has a fleet of more than 16,000 vehicles, of which 821 units are electric and 1,305 are CNG or Bi-Power. The industrial series production of vehicles such as the ie-Urban co- llector on this Zero Emission Ve- hicle (ZEV) chassis, with a drastic reduction in noise, pollutant and CO2 emissions and 50% less ener- gy consumption than a conventio- nal vehicle, is the definitive boost to contribute to the implementation of affordable e-mobility in urban ser - vice vehicles in metropolitan areas, with a huge positive environmental impact in terms of pollutant and noi- se emissions, carbon footprint re- duction and energy efficiency. FCC Medio Ambiente’s ie-Urban wins Spain’s Ecological Industrial Vehicle of the Year 2021 award Circular Economy Package 2035. The collaboration with Ecovidrio and the work carried out by this Integra- ted Management System are funda- mental for this. R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 40 R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y