We are FCC - Nº17

Social and employment objectives In line with SDG3, SDG5, SDG8 and SDG10, the company makes a series of commitments to emplo- yees, linked to the generation and retention of talent, diversity and inclusion, equal opportunities and occupational health and safety. FCC Medio Ambiente will promo- te young talent, trying to favor the transmission of knowledge be- tween generations, and achieving gender balance in 2050 with initiati- ves aimed at empowering and pro- moting female talent. From the point of view of occupa- tional safety, the plan not only en- visages improving workers’ health, but also a decrease, compared to 2019, of 50% in accident rates by 2050 and reaching zero serious or fatal accidents. Excellence and good governan- ce objectives FCC’s objective in this area and in line with SDG9, SDG11 and SDG12, is to be a benchmark in terms of the implementation of systematic and homogeneous work guidelines wi- thin the organisation, which enable it to make its processes efficient, evidenced through certification/ accreditation with respect to stan- dards, specifications, protocols and regulations of reference at an inter- national level. Another key objective for the orga- nisation is to maintain the company as a leader in innovation within the sector. In this regard, the company plans to increase annual R&D&I expenditure by at least 0.3% of tur- nover by 2030, with the aim of rea- ching a minimum of 1% by 2050.All of this is part of the commitment to contribute to generating a model of sustainable and efficient cities that become citizen-friendly urban envi- ronments through technology. This section also includes mea- sures focused on the fight against corruption and for peace and social stability, quality and transparency in the value chain. The fulfilment of these commit - ments necessarily involves genera- ting unions and alliances between the different actors to mobilise and exchange knowledge, technical ca- pability, technology and resources in order to provide sustainable ser- vices (SDG 17). nal Ministry of the Environment of the Community of Madrid, delved into the social and Jordi Payet, general manager of FCC Environment, reaffirmed the company’s commitment to protect and respect the earth with the new strategy WATCH THE PRESENTATION WATCH THE SUMMARY OF COMMITMENTS AND STRATEGIES Achieving carbon neutrality, 100% of the fleet of vehicles with “ECO” and “0” labels or increasing investment in R&D&I to 1% of annual revenues are some of the objectives of the new strategy R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 39 R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y