We are FCC - Nº17

Jordi Payet, CEO of FCC Medio Ambiente, along with Vicente Gal- ván, Director General of Circular Economy at the Madrid Regional Government’s Ministry of the En- vironment, chaired the presenta- tion of FCC Medio Ambiente’s new Sustainability Strategy 2050 at an event that took place at the Com- pany’s Las Tablas corporate head- quarters in Madrid. Francisco José Huete, director of Management Systems and Sustai- nability at FCC Medio Ambiente, moderated the meeting and said during the presentation that the strategy demonstrates “a great res- ponsibility towards the world we are leaving to future generations”. Vicente Galván then stressed that “sustainability must have not only an environmental component, but also a social and economic one” and, to achieve this three-fold as- pect, “alliances between compa- nies and their professional asso- ciations with the administration are fundamental for proposals to chan- ge the model to a circular society to prosper and make progress in sustainability”. Susana Pelegrín, head of the com- pany’s Quality, Environment and Sustainability Department, detailed the objectives of this ambitious 30- year plan, stressing that “with the new Strategy, FCC Environment wants to contribute to the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Na- tions in its 2030 Agenda and, speci- fically, it includes actions to achieve those most directly related to its ac- tivities so as to maximise the effect on the 17 SDGs as a whole”. Jordi Payet, Chief Executive of FCC Medio Ambiente, concluded the meeting by thanking Vicente Galván for his participation and support, showing how important public-private collaboration is in this area. He also emphasised that the project is a commitment “of the company as a whole. We are all participants, from all areas, and it represents FCC Medio Ambiente’s commitment to protecting and res- pecting the Earth”. Circular economy and climate protection The new strategy presented is a road- map that integrates very demanding environmental, social, excellence and good governance commitments with high added value for the com- pany and society as a whole. The actions aimed at protecting the envi- ronment and fighting climate change (SDG 9, SDG 11, SDG 12 and SDG 13) are designed to promote the effi - cient consumption of resources and waste prevention, the protection of biodiversity, technological innovation and the development of low-carbon processes and services. In this area, FCC Medio Ambiente is committed, among other things, to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 35% by 2030 compared to 2017 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. In addition, in collaboration with its customers, it will work to reach the EU targets for 2035 in rela- tion to waste management, reaching the figure of ≥ 65% of waste recove - red and ≤ 10% of waste disposed of in landfills. The strategy includes actions to reduce environmental pollution, ai- ming for a 100% “ECO” or “0” ve- hicle fleet by 2050 (CNG, hybrid or electric vehicles). FCC Medio Ambiente unveils its new Sustainability Strategy 2050 In addition to its environmental sphere, Vicente Galván, from the Region economic components of sustainability. An ambitious 30-year project, reflecting the company’s commitment to support compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and tackle economic, social and environmental challenges on a global scale. R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 38 R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y