We are FCC - Nº17

Environmental education and the importance of water, the focus of the 19th edition of Aqualia’s Digital Children’s Competition On 26 January, on the occasion of World Environmental Education Day, Aqualia presented the 19th edition of its Digital Children’s Drawing Com - petition. This date was particularly appropriate, as the main objective of this day is to identify environmental problems, both global and local, and to raise awareness of the need to en- courage the greatest possible social participation in order to conserve and protect the environment. In the current health emergency, en - vironmental challenges have been re - legated to the background, but issues such as climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss are still present. In this context, the 2021 contest follows the line marked by the previous edi - tion, with the aim of raising aware - ness and explaining, in a playful and simple way, what the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations (UN) are. The main characters, Aqual and SDG6 were, together with the children, the protagonists of the story in which their involvement was sought as “Guardians of Water”, to help im - prove the world. Clean water and sanitation: a com- mitment to SDG 6 Under the umbrella of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs of the United Nations, Aqualia wants to reach all schoolchildren through the promotion of digital tools, strengthening its pe - dagogical role in environmental edu - cation and conscious consumption of the resource. This year, and from the same website as the previous edition, aqualiayods6. com, the two main characters, Aqual and SDG6, will ask for the collabora - tion of children so that together they can stop the global water crisis that is causing the planet to dry up little by little. Hence the competition’s slogan “Aqual and SDG 6: Towards Planet 2030”. The participating children will have to create their own Planet 2030 on the drawing canvas they design. To begin with, they will have to correctly answer two questions related to the manage - ment of the integral water cycle and the SDGs. They will then move from one stage to the next, demonstrating their knowledge. The competition is open to children in the 3rd and 4th grades of primary school and to schools, which can compete for the prize collectively, in the municipalities in which Aqualia operates its services. In addition to Spain, the competition is also be- ing held in Portugal, where Aqualia manages the integral water cycle in several towns. For the first time, stu - dents from the thirteen municipalities that Aqualia manages in the depart - ments of Córdoba and Norte Santan- der (Colombia) will also be invited to participate. The children have until March 22, World Water Day, to design and present their creations. The participants are eligible to win 10 individual prizes: 10 Samsung 10” ta - blets, one for each winning child; 250 prizes for the finalist children, each consisting of a smartwatch; and a co - llective prize for a school, consisting of a 1,000 euro card for educational material. The names of the winners will be published as of 15 April on Aqualia’s website, as well as on the competi- tion’s website, in all Aqualia’s offices and through Aqualia’s official Twitter account. P E O P L E 37 P E O P L E