We are FCC - Nº17

Aqualia once again promotes the in - clusion of people with disabilities in Moguer (Huelva) in the difficult ac - cess to the labor market Aqualia has signed an agreement with the Aso - ciación Abriendo Puertas de Moguer (Huelva) for young people with disabi - lities to distribute the bills that are sent every two months to customers in the town of Moguer. Following the successful outcome of the agreement reached with the El Mago Merlín Association for people with disabilities in Hinojos (Huelva), the company is once again on board this initiative and will now collaborate with the service in Moguer, an An - dalusian town in the same province. The agreement has been signed in this case with the local association Abriendo Puertas, for the delivery of Aqualia once again promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities in Moguer (Huelva) in the difficult access to the labor market the more than six thousand letters that are sent every two months to customers in the Huelva municipality. Commitment to SDG 10 This Association offers services that cover the entire life cycle of children and young people with disabilities, and seeks to respond to their needs once they have finished school. One of its objectives is to promote their in- clusion in the labor market, for which it has created a placement agency that is co-financed by the European Social Fund and that looks for com - panies in which these young people can work. This is the case of Aqualia, which, through this agreement, has made it possible to hire a person with a disability, increase the working hours of another person already hired and involve two other people with inte- llectual disabilities, who are offered the opportunity to learn another work activity. “They are all very happy with the work they are doing, which allows them not only to do it, but also other benefits such as doing a sports activity, wal - king, working outdoors, or communi - cating with neighbors, among others. The “hardest” part is when they come across houses that do not have the The young people will distribute the bimonthly letters addressed to the company’s customers, thanks to the collaboration with the Asociación Abriendo Puertas (Opening Doors Association) number on, or people who have mo- ved house and have not notified it and the letter does not correspond there”, commented Noelia Márquez, social worker of the Association. With this type of collaboration, Aqua- lia aims to promote diversity through labor inclusion, contributing to the achievement of SDG 10 in favor of re - ducing inequalities. P E O P L E 36 P E O P L E