We are FCC - Nº17

Despite the crisis context brought about by the appearance of CO- VID-19 and the strict mobility me - asures, children from local schools in the county of Buckinghamshire (United Kingdom) have been able to continue learning about the im - portance of recycling and waste management, thanks to the actions carried out by FCC Environment FCC Environment UK has received a new recognition from the autho - rities of the British municipality of Wigan, in the United Kingdom, after half a million cars in recent months, respecting all safety measures, have passed through the doors of the recycling centers that the com - pany operates in the town since the beginning of the health crisis in 2020. This is a vital and fundamental ser- vice for its residents, who in turn have wanted to highlight and thank the work carried out from day one by the company’s staff at the head of these centers and facilities. UK, one of the leading recycling and waste management companies in the country. As part of its ongoing and crucial commitment to the education and training of children, adolescents and young adults, the company has con - tinued to disseminate knowledge through e-learning, using pre-re - On the other hand, the UK Govern - ment has also highlighted the value of the daily actions carried out by the 107,000 people who form part of the Waste and Resources Mana- gement industry in the country. 18 of them belong to the team at FCC Environment UK’s recycling centers in Wigan, whose performance has been essential throughout this time. corded educational materials for students at The Cottesloe School in Wing, Pebble Brook School in Aylesbury and Holmer Green Senior School near High Wycombe as part of its ongoing commitment to su - pport the education of children and young adults. The eight and nine year old students at The Cottesloe School, as well as the 12 year olds at Pebble Brook School, were able to attend a digital presentation via the networks about the operation of the facilities at the Energy from Waste (EfW) plant at Greatmoor, in Buckinghamshire, located about 100 kilometers from the country’s capital. The company also wanted to explain to the chil- dren everything related to the type of waste that the plant processes, which is then converted into energy, as well as its subsequent use. Didactic example used in the educational sessions offered by Jez Elkin, FCC Environment’s Waste Education and Awareness Manager at Greatmoor. Thousands of visitors come to FCC Environment’s recycling centers in Wigan (UK) every day. Support for Buckinghamshire (United Kingdom) schools during lockdown Recognition for the employees of FCC Environment’s recycling centers in Wigan (United Kingdom) P E O P L E 35 P E O P L E