We are FCC - Nº17

The Madrid branch of FCC Medio Ambiente held a ceremony last December 2020 to thank its entire workforce for its commitment, de - dication, understanding and initiati - ves during the pandemic, where the company’s medical services, the Madrid City Council, committees and trade union centers that have collaborated with the company du- ring the COVID-19 pandemic were also recognized. During the ceremony, a tribute was also paid in memory of all the wor- kers who have suffered from the disease, their relatives and loved ones who have died, and especia- lly in memory of Francisco Urrutia Martínez, driver of the public street cleaning service of Puente de Va - llecas (lot 5), who died on March 21, 2020. A value for the whole community The event was presided over by Jordi Payet, general manager of the company, and Raúl Pérez, ma- nager of the Madrid branch, who acted as master of ceremonies and said: “At FCC Medio Ambiente we are people who work for other peo - ple, the citizens. For us, the safety and health of our staff comes first, and we are tremendously proud of that, which is why this event was necessary.” After Raúl’s words, Juan Carlos de Río, representative of the UGT Trade Union, followed by Javier Gómez Ochoa, represen - tative of the Comisiones Obreras Trade Unión, spoke. The Madrid City Council, which re- ceived two plaques of recognition for its commitment to preserving the health of workers and all Madrid residents during the pandemic, was represented by the Councilman for the Environment and Mobility, Borja Carabante, and the Gene - ral Manager of the Cleaning and Waste Service, Victor Sarabia. The Raúl Pérez Vega, director of the Madrid branch of FCC Medio Ambiente, presided over the ceremony honoring the company’s employees. FCC Medio Ambiente pays tribute to its employees with an event at the Madrid branch office For their commitment, dedication, understanding and initiative since the start of the the beginning of the health crisis Day of gratitude P E O P L E 32 P E O P L E