We are FCC - Nº17

FCC would like to thank the mainte - nance team for their efforts during the month of January at the cor- porate headquarters in Las Tablas and Federico Salmón, in Camino de Hormigueras and in the Medical Services, participating in the re - moval of snow due to the adverse weather conditions caused by the snowstorm Filomena. A recognition to all of them for actively trying to re - duce, in an active way, the inciden- ce of its consequences on citizen mobility, as well as its dangerous accumulation in the vicinity of our work centers in Madrid. The dedication of the maintenance team was essential when it came to clearing all the main accesses and parking lots of our buildings due to the heavy accumulation of snow and ice, guaranteeing at all times the sa - fety of FCC personnel entering and leaving the work centers, from the main roadways and from the ac- cesses to the subway. On the other hand, roads and paths were also opened in the adjacent streets, faci- litating the movement of pedestrians and vehicles through the districts of the two corporate headquarters. The maintenance personnel at FCC’s corporate headquarters in Las Tablas (Madrid) actively participated in the removal and cleanup tasks after the storm. Recognition of the maintenance team for its work after the Filomena storm Thank you very much for your dedication and collaboration. P E O P L E 31 P E O P L E