We are FCC - Nº17

Matinsa’s collaboration in the removal of snow from Spanish roads, essential after the consequences of the storm Matinsa successfully dealt with the consequences caused by the Filomena storm, especially on the roads of central Spain, which it helped to clear. The cold and snowy squall that hit Spain in mid-January particularly affected the center of the peninsula and its communication axes. In addition to managing contracts in other areas of Spain, Matinsa is responsible for road maintenan- ce in the three provinces that were most affected: Albacete, Cuenca and Madrid. In all of them there were exceptional precipitation values in the form of snow that seriously affected the state of the roads, in addition to the presence of strong winds, the for - mation of snowdrifts in some areas and the dras- tic drop in temperatures, which fell below -10ºC in most of these roads, and even below -18ºC in those of the province of Cuenca. This episode put to the test all the company’s hu- man and material resources, whose sole objective was to ensure that the roads were passable at all times and in the best possible conditions, avoiding the accumulation of snow on the roadways and ta- king preventive action to prevent the formation of ice patches. To this end, Matinsa deployed more than 100 of its employees, with 37 snowplows, as well as loaders and crane trucks; it stockpiled de-icing agents, salt and brine, along 74 conventional roads, as well as in several places in Madrid capital; and it coordina - ted effectively with the different organizations, such as the Ministry of Transport and Urban Agenda, or authorities such as the Civil Guard. P E O P L E 30 P E O P L E