We are FCC - Nº17

cement Regarding the consumption of al- ternative fuels, in the last five years (2014-2019), in the Group’s facto- ries in Spain, a total of 631,402 tons of waste have been transfor- med into energy. Likewise, in 2019 alone, a total of 200,471 tons of alternative fuels were consumed, an increase of 55.38% compared to 2018, which has led to a saving in net CO 2 emissions into the at- mosphere of 270,166 tons, and the reuse of 281,845 tons of alternati- ve raw materials. By autonomous communities, Ca- talonia, with 280,880 tons; Can- tabria, with 125,329 tons, Castilla y León, with 79,901; Madrid with, 129,375 tons; and Andalusia, with 15,917 tons, continue to increase year by year the consumption in alternative fuels and, as a result of this action, substantially decrease the net amount of CO 2 emissions emitted to the atmosphere. The data from the tenth update of the Study on recycling and was- te recovery in the cement industry has served as the basis for the creation of the “Observatory of the circular economy in the Spanish cement industry”, with which the CEMA Foundation aims to promote knowledge of the circular economy developed by the cement sector, in line with the Spanish Circular Economy Strategy. For this purpose, all the data collected since 2004 have been digi- talized and compiled in an interactive web page, which allows the user to make queries by applying different filters by autonomous communities, types of fuel, or raw materials, among others, and to visualize the data thanks to the dynamic graphics system imple- mented. The new “Observatory of the circular economy in the Spanish cement industry” is born In Spain, 51% of municipal waste is still sent to landfills, but by 2035 this figure will not exceed 10% B U S I N E S S 27 B U S I N E S S