We are FCC - Nº17

A new building and more par- king spaces On this side, there are also two major changes since June 2019. The first is the works of the un - derground car park in the place occupied by the La Esquina del Bernabéu shopping center. The construction of the five basement floors has been deepened to the new level below ground, instead of the three that the previous sho- pping center had. Approximately 500 parking spaces will be gene- rated and will allow new uses such as parking for Real Madrid buses and the opposing team. The second change is the demo- lition of the annex building, which housed the club’s institutional offices and the Adidas store. This work will allow the construction of a new building that will rise along the entire side and that will have ten functional levels above ground (in the previous one there were three) and three underground. It will be an integrated building wi- thin the new volume of the sta- dium. Safety and state-of-the-art tech- nology These actions have been ca- rried out with precision and with the maximum safety conditions thanks to the installation in the su- rroundings of the Bernabéu of the work aids. These include six fixed cranes with a reach of 90 meters. The construction camp has also been expanded through the as- sembly of new canteen and chan- ging rooms for workers, in order to rigorously comply with COVID-19 prevention measures. All these novelties are intended to turn the Santiago Bernabéu into an avant-garde stadium, with maximum comfort, safety and sta- te-of-the-art technology, and whe- re fans continue to live unforgetta- ble experiences. THIS IS HOW THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE SANTIAGO BERNABÉU STADIUM IS PROGRESSING MODERNIZATION OF THE STADIUM’S FACILITIES DISMANTLING AND REPLACEMENT OF THE ROOF An element of the future stadium that can also be seen is the metallic structure of the new towers of the Paseo de la Castellana construction B U S I N E S S 25 B U S I N E S S