We are FCC - Nº17

north and south trusses, between Castellana and Padre Damián. An element of the future stadium that can also be appreciated is the metallic structure of the new towers on Paseo de la Castellana. Equipped with ramps, escalators and elevators, they will replace the current towers B and C and will serve to make the traffic of spectators more fluid. They will also have an architectural func- tion, since they will be a structural support for the new roof. The other two supports for the roof are on Padre Damián street. To do this, the towers on this side were demolished and the founda- tion work began, which was com- pleted with a metal structure. One of the most significant actions for this part of the stadium was the raising of the voussoirs construction 24 B U S I N E S S B U S I N E S S