We are FCC - Nº17

water Lucas Díaz, Director of Aqualia in Andalusia, Extremadura and the Canary Islands: “We are working hard to turn this infrastructure into a technological reference that will boost the economy of the area, guaranteeing water for irrigation and municipalities, based on sustainability, care for the environment and social commitment” most advanced technology deve- loped in recent years. All of this,” said Colomina, “is managed under three basic principles: transparen- cy, efficiency and sustainability”. Yolanda Lozano, Councilor for Culture, Finance, Cultural Herita- ge and Coordination of the City Council of Nijar and provincial deputy, said in her speech that “it is a satisfaction to share the be- ginning of the second opportunity that is given to one of the strategic infrastructures of the province, in which the residents and the busi- nesses of Nijar believe, support and need”. Lozano also highlighted the secu- rity that the project will bring: “The commissioning of this desalina- tion plant gives us the certainty that the water needs will be co- vered and, thus, reliability to the agricultural model 2.0 developed in Níjar”. An essential good For her part, the delegate of Agri- culture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development in Al- mería of the Andalusian Regional Government, Aránzazu Martín, emphasized that “all the admi- nistrations are clear that water is very necessary in the province of Almería, so when Aqualia presen- ted us with its proposal to start up these facilities, we agreed that the project is very positive for the region. As long as it is developed with environmental guarantees, it will have our support”. Finally, the mayor of Almería, Ramón Fernández-Pacheco, described the initiative as “stra- tegic”, as it represents a solution to a long-standing problem in the management of the facilities. Ac- cording to the mayor, the project adds to the Almeria City Council’s objective of “efficiency and sus - tainability” in the use of water re- sources. “Water is a fundamental asset for Almeria in the present and in fu- ture development and, therefore, we must take care of it and res- pect it,” said Fernandez-Pache- co, who pointed to the value of water in strategic sectors for the productive fabric of Almeria, such as agriculture and tourism, “which we must take care of with projects such as the one presented.” Ramón Fernández-Pacheco, Mayor of Almería, during the presentation of the Mar de Alborán project, which he described as “strategic”. B U S I N E S S 20 B U S I N E S S