We are FCC - Nº17

The Alboran Sea project a second sustainable opportunity for the Rambla Morales desalination plant, following the growing demand for water in Almeria After a period of works and adaptation, following its abandonment in 2011, theMar de Alborán desalination plant will start operating at the beginning of 2022 through the company Servicios Hídricos. It represents a technical and management challenge and becomes the first major water production infrastructure owned by Aqualia in Spain. The desalination plant at Rambla Morales (Almeria) will start ope- rating at the beginning of 2022, according to the project presen- ted by the company Servicios Hídricos Agricultura y Ciudad SL, a subsidiary of Aqualia, which manages the municipal services of the capital and Nijar, among other municipalities in Almeria. The investment amounts to a total of 99 million euros, including the acquisition of assets already com- pleted, improvements and works already started. The project has been presented to the media in the presence of Ramón Fernández-Pacheco, Ma- yor of Almería; Yolanda Lozano; councilor of Níjar, and Aránzazu Martín, delegate of Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing and Sustaina- ble Development in Almería of the Junta de Andalucía. The event, held in the desalination plant itself with all the sanitary me- asures because of the COVID-19, has generated a great expectation due to its relevance for the future of agriculture, economic engine of the area. Those responsible for the project have emphasized that its management will be carried out with transparency, efficiency and sustainability. Lucas Díaz, Director of Aqualia in Andalusia, Extremadura and the Canary Islands, stated that the Representatives of Aqualia, the Administration and the Regional Gove water B U S I N E S S 18 B U S I N E S S