We are FCC - Nº17

environment Elche City Council (Alicante) has awarded FCCMedio Ambiente, in a joint venture with another company, a new 10-year contract for municipal solid waste collection and street and beach cleansing services. The total order book value of the contract, effective as of May 2021, amounts to 255 million euros. The City Council of Elche (Ali- cante) has awarded FCC Medio Ambiente, in a joint venture with another company in the sector, the new contract for the collection of solid urban waste and street and beach cleaning services for a period of ten years. The total contract portfolio amounts to 255 million euros and is scheduled to begin in May 2021. The contract was in early January, in a ceremony chaired by the ma- yor of the city, Carlos González, and attended by the councillor for Cleaning and Modernisation of Sustainability in this contract will result in a much cleaner urban environment and reduced emissions and carbon footprint for the city Public Spaces, Héctor Díez, the Chairman of the Workers’ Commi- ttee, Francisco Carrasco, the mu- nicipal engineer, Luis Tebar, and the representatives of the joint venture. The director of the Le- vante II branch, Ángel Garcillán, attended on behalf of FCC Medio Ambiente. Wagering on sustainability It is important to highlight that, with this contract, the City Council has committed itself to sustainabi- lity and all the vehicles to be in- corporated will be electric or with B U S I N E S S 15 B U S I N E S S