We are FCC - Nº17

men) of the Women’s Institute and the Ministry of Equality of the Go- vernment of Spain, disseminated with the hashtag #8M2021. This ini- tiative also offered a series of semi - nars and talks for dissemination and debate, inviting reflection and analy - sis in the context of the current se - rious social and health crisis, which continues to highlight the major in- equalities between genders. For years now, at FCC we have been applying equality plans in all the Group’s companies that endorse our commitment to a fairer and more egalitarian society and to a company that is more committed to diversity. Once again, March 8, International Women’s Day, reminds us of the need to con- tinue working together for a world where equality is a happy reality and where the decisive role of women in its development is valued and recognized. We will continue to focus our best efforts on this. Together we will achieve it. Happy Women’s Day. Esther A. Koplowitz Chairman of the FCC Group FCC has an equality and diversity policy through which it reaffirms its commitment to the fundamental princi - ples of equality, non-discrimination in the workplace, support for diversity in the company and respect for the heterogeneity of people. Along these lines, the company has adhered to the “Women’s Empowerment Principles” of the United Nations Global Compact and the Diversity Charter. This work, on which the company has been working for years, has yielded important results and values, thanks to which a fair, serious and profoundly diverse work environment is taking root, in which equal oppor- tunities for women and men are a fundamental and priority axis for the company. Commitment to diversity and non-discrimination In recent years, FCC has been committed to the formation of a mixed company in a fair and egalitarian work environment 13