We are FCC - Nº17

FCC joined in the celebration of International Women’s Day, a date that has taken on a global dimen- sion and has become a space for reflection. This year the company once again vindicated its rejection of any type of discrimination, highli- ghting and supporting diverse, inclu- sive and authentic companies, such as FCC, where equal opportunities are one of the fundamental pillars. To celebrate this date, FCC organi- zed a meeting with the participation of Félix Parra, CEO of Aqualia, and a group of women with positions of responsibility in the different busi - ness areas of the FCC Group. The event was directed and moderated by Juan Pablo Merino, Aqualia’s Di- rector of Communication and CSR. Rocio Santiago, director of Aqualia’s Andalucía I branch; Jennifer Dou- glas, director of Business Develo- pment at FCC Concesiones; Anas- tasia Hácar, bid manager of the International Studies Department at FCC Construcción; Esther Sebas- tián, a lawyer at FCC Medio Am- biente; and Alicia Caballero, com- mercial director for North, East and Exports at the Cementos Portland Valderrivas Group, had the opportu- nity to ask Aqualia’s CEO a series of questions related to equality and diversity. A diverse company From the beginning of the meeting, Félix Parra highlighted the role of women both inside and outside the company, using his current knowle- dge and previous experiences, pointing out the progressive pro- gress achieved in recent years in the formation of a mixed company. Through the different questions, aspects such as the importance of equal co-responsibility in the imple- mentation of projects and decision making were highlighted, as well as the keys to break the glass ceiling and eliminate the wage gap, promo- ting women’s access to leadership positions in the organization, in their personal and professional growth and development in a fair and egali- tarian work environment. FCC’s ongoing commitment is re- flected in its active participation in the promotion of equal opportuni- ties. And so, on the occasion of this day, the company also wanted to share and join the campaign “Por ser mujeres” (Because we are wo- FCC celebrates International Women’s Day , in a bid for Equality The questions posed by the participants from the FCC Group to Félix Parra, CEO of Aqualia, invited reflection on the role of women in today’s workplace. F C C G R O U P 12 F C C G R O U P